Interactive PowerPoint Quiz Game with Points and Scores

ppt quiz points score game - Interactive PowerPoint Quiz Game with Points and Scores

In this PowerPoint Quiz Module, we will be designing our module and adding an ActiveX Element – Label to keep count of the student’s score. The Label is placed inside a slide-master.

We increase the Points Label by 10 points every time a correct answer is pressed. We decrease the Points Label by 5 points every time an incorrect or wrong answer is attempted.

We also have a message box which will pop-up indicating whether your answer is correct or incorrect.

Fill in the blanks – PowerPoint Learning Game using VBA

fill in the blanks ppt quiz game vba macro

This module allows the student to type the answer in an ActiveX Element TextBox.

We later cross-check the answer with the correct answer which is stored inside a shape placed outside the slide! We do this with the help of an If-Then-Else Conditional Statement.

It is very unconventional but it allows the teachers to quickly modify this template and change the correct answer without bothering them with any Visual Basic Codes and Macros.