1. PowerPoint Quiz

This MCQ (Multiple-choice) PowerPoint Quiz Game Template is specifically designed for teachers, educators and professors. You can calculate the number of correct answers, wrong answers, questions attempted and give corresponding percentage, points, summary score and grade.

Institutions and companies can also use this to generate a certificate in the end of the quiz which can be printed if the student secures the minimum percentage. Visual Basic Code in PowerPoint is not very common but it is a nifty tool and can be used in many creative manners. I am using a basic code which increases the number in counters present in the scorecard slide.

Using VBA and Hyperlinks, we will be able to make an Interactive Quiz Game in PowerPoint. 

Hover on the following pictures to get more details! Click to download .pptm module along with code!


Create the PowerPoint Quiz Slides

Add a pop-up message box

Calculates the points/scores which the student secured.

Report Card

Added Pass Question and End Quiz Buttons

Designed a Report Card at the end with the following:

Calculates the number of Correct Answers, Wrong Answers, Passed Questions and Total Questions along with Percentage

2. Jeopardy with scoreboard in PowerPoint

In this Microsoft PowerPoint Tutorial, we shall be learning how to make a Jeopardy PowerPoint Game Show which has an interactive scoreboard for keeping points i.e a scoring system.

This PPT Template can be used by teachers in their classroom or by quiz masters to promote competition amongst students! You can also download the Premium and Advanced Jeopardy PowerPoint Template which has music, scoreboard, animations and transitions too!

We use Visual Basic Macro Coding to create a scoreboard in the PowerPoint Jeopardy! Game Template which is present across multiple slides.

3. Fill in the Blanks in PowerPoint

Using a very unorthodox method, we can create a fill in the blanks game in PowerPoint. This module is one of the best in terms of customisation.

This module allows the student to type the answer in an ActiveX Element TextBox. We later cross-check the answer with the correct answer which is stored inside a shape placed outside the slide! We do this with the help of an If-Then-Else Conditional Statement.

It is very unconventional but it allows the teachers to quickly modify this template and change the correct answer without bothering them with any Visual Basic Codes and Macros.

You can use this for a variety of purposes in your classroom and keep all the students engaged in a game which you designed! Learn to create this now!

4. PowerPoint Counter & Scoreboard

This interactive PowerPoint Counter is a boon to many teachers in their classroom. Using VBA Code, we can increase the label’s caption by a specific value. We add the VBA code to a button or a shape in the slide, on clicking the button, the macro is run. The macro increases/decreases the caption of the label by +1 or -1. You can customize this to fit your needs.

You can have it present across multiple slides and control it via Arrow Keys from KeyBoard too!

What are the uses of creating a PPT Counter?

  • In order to keep points/scores of a classroom during a seminar.
  • For keeping points of a sports game or an outdoor activity.
  • Using it in PowerPoint Quizzes.
  • Adding this too different interactive PowerPoint games such as Jeopardy.

5. Shuffle Slides Randomly in PowerPoint

In this module tutorial, we shall be seeing how we can be redirected to a random slide in PowerPoint using Visual Basic Code.

In our module we have six different slides containing unique names of students from A to F. I need to be sent to any one of those slides randomly on the press of a button.

I also need to make sure that I am not being redirected to the same slide containing the same student name consecutively in the case that the same random number is again generated.

So now, let us shuffle our slides and get hyperlinked to a random slide in Microsoft PowerPoint.